Saturday, August 29, 2009

Let's get small

I have tried twitter. It's tiring. But as fall approaches I wonder how many bloggers will be coming back to blogger. Twitter is certainly buzzing but I'm glad for blogs. Even if I haven't had the energy to write a real post for over a month.

Those things happen.

The most valuable thing I have taken from twittering is the 'nano' of everything now. It is reassuring that things are gonna 'get small'. You know I'm a Steve Martin fan so that's good. As a librarian I spent so much time recently trying to help people survive an overnight in a chilly sea of information without a survival suit. Didn't we all get bit by 22 apps last year at work? I look forward to a new outlook where all I have to do is get them to grocery store or the bank or where they are actually going. Obsessing about how we could go anywhere now that was tiring.

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Anonymous Sean said...

Frankly, I just can't see the appeal of Twitter. It's too uni-dimensional and narrow.

I like how Craig Ferguson openly dismisses Twitter and how he pushes reading when he has an author as a guest. He'll hold up the book, and then tell the audience it's like a giant Twitter. He'll then explain that it's not right that only guests promoting a film get to show clips, so he'll read a "clip" of the book.

1:57 p.m.  
Anonymous cheesefairy said...

I think I'm a quit-it.

It uses up all my clever. & also the people, they swarm.

9:38 p.m.  
Anonymous EarnestGirl said...

Some days I wanna quit-twit & sometimes I love it.

Clever cheesefairy, you said it very well, "uses up all my clever". Mostly I don't feel I have any, so I kinda hope the clever rubs off. I do get ideas about writing, people, consolation that there are others flailing around in the great big sea of motherhood.

Like Mo-Wo, I love the blogs best though. I am a suckah for teh story.

6:24 p.m.  
Blogger Crunchy Carpets said...

I like twitter cos these days am typing with baby on lap and this stuff is too hard

7:13 p.m.  
Blogger Heather Bea said...

I don't get twitter, maybe because I just don't have the time at work to be updating my tweets all day. I work with some folks who seem to be doing more tweeting than working.

12:18 p.m.  

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