Saturday, May 20, 2006

Recommended title: Mysterious Theolonious

Mysterious Thelonious
by Christopher Raschka

Publisher: New York : Orchard Books, ©1997.
ISBN: 0531300579 ; 0531330575

Subjects: Monk, Thelonious -- Juvenile literature

This amazing book matches the tones of the diatonic scale to the values of the color wheel to make a great read in sight and sound. Some of you already know of my pushing of great jazz books for kids, this one is perhaps the best I've found so far. 'Cept of course I didn't actually find it. It was a gift to us from a good friend a dogs age ago. Miss Fancy discovered in on OUR bookshelf last month and loves it. She is a keen mimic of the tones and enjoys playing along to fill in a broken syllable or two. We highly recommend you check out the "stor-y-a-bout-the-love-ly-mu-sic-of-Mis-ter-Monk."

Find it in a library near you with this link!

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Blogger Granny said...

I'm not a huge jazz fan but I do like him. I'll check it out. (I'm more classical and opera).

Thanks for your comment. It's a mess here in the good old USofA. David's article was a composite but he was accurate. I see it daily.

The saddest part of the whole story is teachers and administrators agree with me. However, they're afraid of the District, the District fears the State, and the State won't stand up to the Feds who have their heads up their collective butts.

In the meantime, my youngest may fall through the cracks. She's a square peg. I'm almost homeschooling her now just to keep her from total failure.

Schools should be palaces and good teachers should be revered (and well compensated). Neither is happening.

11:30 p.m.  
Blogger kittenpie said...

I love this book, and also his others - Charlie Parker Played Be-Bop, which I just found newly published in a board book, The Blushful Hippopotamus, and Yo? Yes! beng my faves. Oh, and his Simple Gifts is nice in not being all folk artsy, too.

He came to the upper west side library worked at for a while in NYC and did the greatest programme for the kids, getting them involved in acting out stories, holding stick puppets for characters, telling them stories about his cats, and draing fantastic charcoal sketches he signed to the kids of the library. (That's his cat in Charlie Parker.) He s as great fun as his books would suggest.

1:08 p.m.  

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