Wednesday, January 10, 2007

The Ass Man v. Face Man

Two men in the press have captured my attention today. The Shrub? Hugo Chavez? Mais non! Stephen Murmur and Dirk Benedict, of course. But which of these lucky men will capture my full attention?

Who can say. I certainly worry about Mr. Murmur. I wonder who will hire him now that his paintings, obviously of a private(s) nature, are now pubic, I mean, public. Were it that they had remained private(s).

Meanwhile many cups of coffee go cold, files go ignored, and children wallow in filth while Big Brother (UK) continues. I must give it my full attention. Allow me to state my support of Dirk Benedict grows. Dirk Dirk Dirk... the Face Man. O rapture, o bliss, the Face is still in the house. He is favoured to win... go Dirk, go!

Given recent criticism of the name of this blog, referred to in "I Suck" (Jan. 6/07), maybe it is time for a change. Perhaps Mo can change the name of this site to "Dirk Benediction" or something really cool like that.



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