Sunday, March 25, 2007


You know I don't entirely believe in the terrible twos. I mean I believe that there is bad behaviour after that second birthday but I don't know that it is any sort of syndrome. Generally, I'm a syndrome skeptic, anyway.

Mostly I think that entering the third year with a little person who is out to develop a full range of emotions can prove a bit much. Especially after all the hard labour of raising them to walk and speak and wipe her own ass (ok she is not really onto that one yet, but I can hope.)

P-man and I can barely rub four emotions together between the two of us so living with children and all their icky, sticky feeeelings.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

P-man and I can barely rub four emotions together between the two of us so living with children and all their icky, sticky feeeelings.


Surfed in here on the "Real Mom" wave. Have decided that I love you based entirely upon the above quote. In an entirely non-sticky way, of course.

6:02 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It should be noted that three of the four emotions are held by Mo.


8:49 a.m.  
Blogger kittenpie said...

I'm not a big believer in the whole terrible twos thing either, but I must say, Pumpkinpie has had some terrible weeks while being two. Not that I expect it to end abruptly next month, either... I think I've had it good, though. For one thing, she's shockingly articulate, which has helped a lot. For another, she's fairly even-tempered. I imagine for some, it's quite the rough ride. I count myself lucky to be able to not really believe in it!

1:07 p.m.  
Blogger mo-wo said...

Whoa Kathy... thanks for the love.

KP: You are of course right about counting yourself lucky as I should. A keen point with the articulate toddler being a plus. I have a friends who soldiered thro' the damned speech delay ... which of course means little in the grand scheme of things... except... what a pain at two. Our girl is a regular Dick Cavett in the chit-chat department and I think it helps me a lot. It would drive me crazy if I had to deal communication barrier among the emotional development crap

Not that you'll catch me tooting my own horn on offspring show-offed-ness.

1. she had a tantrum 8 hours after posting

2. showing off your kids developmental STRENGTHS does little but disservice to the kid. I mean when they are 5 and everyone can do it anyway... wha' da hell does that do to them then?

2:16 p.m.  

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